
Dossier Emploi is a unique all-in-one cloud computing solution designed to support Employment Services Agencies who are funded by Le Gouvernement du Québec.

Are you managing an Employment Agency?

Whether you operate your organization in a hybrid, online, or in person mode, this solution gives you the flexibility. Manage your operations and candidate files securely, while reducing your overall operating cost. You no longer need to waste so much time managing operations. You will recover this lost time and be able to put it where it matters the most: Fulfilling your mission!

You don't need to become an IT expert, or stats specialist. No more multiple data entry, no more filling out forms and spending hours consolidating government data and your data! No need to spend hours writing quarterly reports! You can now understand  demographics at a glance and put your efforts in the right place. You'll be able to present your fund-raising projects more effectively with data to back them up!

A PC, Mac or Chromebook: Your choice of computer, and an Internet connection. That's all there is to it! And nothing else!

The future is here: Work on your mission and let us help you with your operations!

Dossier Emploi, a hassle-free solution can help you make a difference!

You no longer need to waste time on management, documentation and, above all, money on resources, technical support services and IT services. The latest innovations are at your fingertips!

If you're a not-for-profit organization, our services are offered at a reduced cost for a turnkey solution.

Only qualified organizations may apply.


Here's how to get your hands on the Dossier Emploi solution.

First of all, do the following exercise:

  1. How much does it cost to keep track of your candidates' interventions and resources in terms of time and database?
  2. How much does IT cost per year?
  3. How much does it cost to produce quarterly and yearly reports?
  4. Do you still use paper files? How much does that cost you in time and money?
  5. Are you having problems reaching your recruitment target in order to keep your funding?

If you spend more than $30,000 per year on salary and related expenses, then Dossier Emploi may be advantageous for you.

Fill out the application form, or call us.

Learn more about Dossier Emploi

Turnkey solution features are as follows:

One station per counsellor, interchangeable in case of broken or lost computer, connected to Portal Dossier Emploi: your integrated work space.
Dossier Emploi is a cloud-based solution integrated to Microsoft 365 and Google for Business tools.
A secure solution that allows you to work from anywhere without interruption.
A paperless, home made calendar-free solution for your counselling and training services with your candidate.
One Employment Record per candidate with all its historical data of rendered services.
Candidate Record is saved on the cloud for all your video or in-person meetings, and your notes, and documents, including CVs, are all integrated and visible to your advisors, counsellors, services workers and managers.
Clear and accurate reports on interventions at a glance, whether complementary, monthly, quarterly or annually basis.
All reports are available to managers in order to communicate results to the government, the board of directors, to internal audits or follow-ups with a click. No need to spend hours compiling data by hand!
Dossier Emploi allows you to focus your energies in the right place, your mission.

Who we are

We're a group of individuals committed to the success of Quebec and its Work Force! To live and work with dignity, we roll up our sleeves to help you make a difference!

We're IT professionals who've decided to put our knowledge and expertise at your disposal, and help you succeed in your mission to help local people get back on their feet and reintegrate the job market!

Message from the President Mrs. Assia Senouci

"As Executive Director of Cadres Disponibles E.A., an employability organization, from 2018 to 2023, I had to live everyday challenges, finding solutions to various problems, such as budget cuts and changes in clientele before, during and post pandemic. I had to innovate to enable us to go further with less! Now that the organization is on autopilot, I've made it my mission to help all employability organizations in Quebec! I want to help you innovate while reducing your operating costs!"

Service Seeker

If you're a job seeker, check out the directory of employment agencies in your area and register today. Get the extra help you need to find your next job and professional career.

Form for job seekers

Fill in your service request form and we'll forward it to the organization of your choice, so they can take care of you and help you with your situation.

    Contact us

    Dossier Employment,
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